Course Syllabus
PSYC 100: General Psychology
Buena Vista University
610 West Fourth Street
Storm Lake, Iowa 50588
Course Information
Credit Hours: 3
Academic Year and Term: 2024-2025 - Term 1
Course Format: Online
Location: Online, Canvas
Instructor Information
Instructor Name: Ashley Heck
Course Description
A broad introduction to the field of psychology with an emphasis on the experimental study of behavior. The course will focus on theories, methods, and phenomena, along with the history of the discipline. General Education – Liberal Arts Core – Social Science Course
Course Objectives
- Identify biological contributions to behavior.
- Identify cognitive contributions to behavior.
- Identify developmental contributions to behavior.
- Identify social, personality, and environmental contributions to behavior.
- Identify the contributions of mental health to behavior.
BVU Objectives
In addition to the above course objectives, the following BVU objective is applicable to this course:
BVU Signature Skill: Effective Written Communication
This course focuses on Signature Skill #3: Effective Written Communication. “Effective communication is the development and expression of ideas in written, oral, and other forms. Effective communication involves learning to work in many genres and styles. It can involve working with many different technologies and mixing texts, data, and images. Effective communication abilities develop through iterative experiences across the curriculum.” [A modification of the Written Communication definition provided by the Association of American Colleges and Universities]
As student master this skill, they are expected to:
- Consider audience, purpose, and context
- Demonstrate understanding of the subject
- Recognize formal and informal “rules” based on the form of communication and the academic field
- Develop ideas including the use of high-quality, credible, relevant sources
- Use standard language syntax and mechanics
- Use citations, when needed, appropriately and correctly, with no plagiarism
In order to practice and measure our success this term, you will complete a “Signature Task,” which is an assignment specifically designed to help you demonstrate your skills in the above areas. That task will be graded and contribute to your overall course grade. It will also be assessed using our institutional rubric. Rubric information will be collected across many courses and used by faculty to improve learning in this area across our curriculum. The Unit 4 Application Paper (see writing assignments below) is the “Signature Task” that will be assessed.
Technology Requirements
This course is presented in an asynchronous online format, requiring internet access and the use of a web browser (Firefox and Google Chrome are recommended).
At a minimum, you will need the following:
- Access to a laptop or desktop computer
- Broadband Internet access
- Compatible web browser
- Audio input, built-in or external computer speakers
- Recommended: Webcam (external or internal) for synchronous virtual office hours
Read Configuration and System Requirements to ensure that your computer meets the minimum technical requirements for participation in this course.
Course Materials
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020). Psychology (2e). Open Stax. ISBN-13: 978-1-951693-23-7
*This is an Open Education Resource (OER), which means it is free to students. Links for each chapter will be placed in the appropriate Canvas module for you to read.
Course Organization
The course is organized in 8 modules, one for each week of the course. Some modules contain two chapters, while other modules contain 1 chapter. There are four units in this course, so two modules/weeks constitutes one unit, with three chapters in each unit. For this course, you will complete low-stakes chapter quizzes, discussion posts each week, a critical thinking assignment in each unit, an application paper in each unit, and an essay exam in each unit.
Course Assignments and Evaluation
This course has five main components: Chapter Quizzes, Discussions, Critical Thinking Assignments, Writing Assignments, and Exams.
In order to successfully complete this course, the following assignments must be submitted:
Pre & Post Assessment 20 points (5.2%)
Chapter Quizzes: 30 points (7.8%)
Discussions 80 points (20.8%)
Critical Thinking Assignments 74 points (19.3%)
Application Papers 60 points (15.6%)
Exams 120 points (31.3%)
Total: 384 points (100%)
Pre-test & Post-test Assessment Requirements
- At the beginning of the semester you will take a pre-test to assess your knowledge of concepts covered in General Psychology. This gives us a baseline for where our students are at coming into the course. At the end of the course, you will take the same assessment as a post-test. This data is used to determine the growth of knowledge in students over the course of the semester. You can earn points on these as long as it is evident that you put time and effort into the assessments.
Chapter Quiz Requirements
- Quizzes for each chapter will be taken on Canvas. Each quiz contains 5 multiple choice questions worth .5 point each. There is no time limit for these quizzes. These quizzes are open book and open note, but not open classmate. Working with a classmate will be considered academic dishonesty and will be reported to BVU administration and result in consequences as described below in the policy. You must complete the quiz the first time by the due date. If you complete it the first time by the due date, you can attempt it as many more times as you would like up until the unit exam that includes that chapter. Your highest score on each chapter quiz will count towards your final grade.
Discussion Requirements
- All discussions for this course will be “meme discussions” where you create a meme about one of the chapters covered that week. There will be instructions, along with a link to a meme generator, in the instructions of each discussion thread.
- There will be eight discussions during the course. For each discussion, you are to create and post a meme and respond to a minimum of two (2) of your classmates’ postings. Your original meme posts are due on Wednesdays at 11:59 p.m. CST and your responses are due on Sundays at 11:59 p.m. CST. You can earn up to 8 points for your original post and 3.5 points for each of your two thoughtful responses to classmates (so 7 points total for responses).
- Responses to classmates on the meme discussions should thoroughly answer the required response questions. Responses should be thorough and thoughtful. (Responses that do not add to the discussion, and/or are not thorough and thoughtful will lose points).
- When appropriate, use references to support your position, making sure to cite your sources.
- Late discussions will not earn credit.
Critical Thinking Assignment Requirements
- Critical thinking assignments provide you with an opportunity to reflect on and apply course material. Only your instructor (not classmates) may read and provide feedback for your assignments. Points vary for each assignment - See Assignment attachments in Canvas for grading information. Assignments must be double spaced, 12 point font, 1” margins on all sides with appropriate, college-level vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Assignments must be in a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF (.pdf) or they will automatically earn a 0. To submit your assignments, attach the document in the submission area. Emailed or messaged assignments are not accepted.
Application Paper Requirements
- Application papers provide you with an opportunity to select a concept and apply it to your life. You will describe and define a concept in psychology in your own words, describe a situation in detail from your life, and finally describe how the concept applies to that specific situation in your life. There are four application papers each worth 15 points. Specific instructions, potential concepts from each unit, and an example paper are provided in Canvas. Application papers must be double spaced, 12 point font, 1” margins on all sides with appropriate, college-level vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Assignments must be in a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF (.pdf) or they will automatically earn a 0. To submit your assignments, attach the document in the submission area. Emailed or messaged assignments are not accepted.
Exam Requirements
- You will have an exam at the end of every three chapters (so every other week). Exams in this course are essay exams. Exams are designed to assess your understanding of the material and concepts. You will be given 1-3 essay questions per chapter. You will be required to have citations in your essay exam answers. Any source used outside of the textbook will also require you to attach a pdf of the source (journal article, book chapter, etc.).
- Exams must be double spaced, 12 point font, 1” margins on all sides with appropriate college-level vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Assignments must be in a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF (.pdf) or they will automatically earn a 0. To submit your exams, attach the document in the submission area. Emailed or messaged exams are not accepted.
Grading Scale
The course is based on a point system with you earning points for each assessment and the total number of points you earn determining your overall percentage and grade.
A 93% - 100% B- 80% - 82.99% D+ 67%-69.99%
A- 90% - 92.99% C+ 77% - 79.99% D 63% - 66.99%
B+ 87% - 89.99% C 73% - 76.99 D- 60% - 62.99%
B 83% - 86.99% C- 70% - 72.99% F below 60%
*If the course is taken Pass/Fail, you must earn a 60% to earn a Pass.
Keep in mind the following:
- All assignments should be submitted on time.
- Written assignments (CT Assignments, Application Papers, and Essay Exams) should be submitted in APA Style. Please see the APA Resources module for example citation and references and other resources to ensure you understand the expectations of APA style.
- You can expect feedback from your instructor in response to discussion posts, CT assignments, application papers, and essay exams. In every case, you will earn points that clearly reflect your performance on the assignment. For discussion posts, you may also receive occasional comments on the nature of the discussion. For CT assignments, application papers, and essay exams, you will receive written feedback via in-text commentary and the rubric scores (if applicable)
- Grades and feedback will be posted in Canvas in the same module/link where the work was submitted.
Course Policies
The following course policies are designed to support your learning. When you join this course, we expect you to be committed to your own learning and the learning of others in this course "community."
- Communication: Communication will occur via discussion forums, feedback on assignments, the General Course Q & A, Canvas announcements, and e-mail. Your best bet for a quick response is to email me through the BVU email system ( Although you may not get an immediate response, I will respond to your email in as timely a manner as possible, typically within 48 business hours.
- Late Assignments: Assignments are due on the assigned due date. Assignments will be completed in Canvas and will be due on the assigned due date at 11:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST). Assignments are considered late starting at 11:01 p.m. on the day it is due. Plan ahead and complete your assignments well before the deadline to avoid last minute problems.
- Pre-Test and Post-Test Assessments: are not accepted late.
- Chapter Quizzes: are not accepted late for first submission. If submitted on time for the first submission, you can take them as many times as you would like prior to the unit exam covering that chapter.
- Discussions: are not accepted late.
- Critical Thinking Assignments: will be accepted up to one week late with a 10% penalty each 24-hour period it is late
- Application Papers: will be accepted up to one week late with a 10% penalty each 24-hour period it is late
- Exams: are not accepted late.
- The last date I will accept any assignments in this course is Sunday, October 20 at 11:59 p.m. (Central) so you may not have the late grace period for all assignments.
- Netiquette: Engage in a business professional and respectful manner with your instructor and peers in this course. Students are to create constructive conversations that encourage critical thinking skills while remaining courteous of others.
- Participation: The success of this course depends on every class member participating fully, as that is part of the learning experience for both yourself and your classmates. You should be logging in and participating at least 3-5 days per week in discussions, reading the textbook, completing assignments, checking announcements, etc.
- Expectations:
Students are expected to:
- Actively engage in course learning modules and participate fully in discussions, activities, and assignments.
- Read, think critically, and demonstrate an understanding of the readings
- Submit assignments online by the deadline
- Demonstrate academic integrity
- Use problem-solving skills when presented with tasks and consult their resources, such as the eBook, PowerPoints, and extra Resources.
The instructor is expected to:
- Be a resource and guide, and actively engage with students via discussion forums, announcements, and individual student contact via feedback on assignments and requested meetings
- Respond to student communication within 48 hours on a business day, or on the following business day following a weekend or holiday
- Clearly convey expectations and offer constructive feedback to students
- Uphold the value of academic integrity
Course Schedule
Modules will be opened by Unit on the Sunday prior to the start of that Unit. Given that, below is the timeline for the opening of the modules:
- Modules 1 and 2 will open on Sunday, August 25
- Modules 3 and 4 will open on Sunday, September 8
- Modules 5 and 6 will open on Sunday, September 22
- Modules 7 and 8 will open on Sunday, October 6
Due dates for all assignments are listed in the course schedule below. Due dates are in Central Standard Time (CST). Assignments will be due on Wednesdays and Sundays of each week at 11:59 p.m. CST. Assignments that are accepted late (see policies above) will be considered late starting at 12:00 a.m. CST after the due date for that specific assignment.
Assignments & Due Dates
Module 1
(Week 1)
Introduction to Psychology
Psychological Research
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Due 8/28 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #1, Part 1
Due 9/1 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #1, Part 2
· Chapter 1 Quiz
· Chapter 2 Quiz
· Chapter 2 CT Assignment
Module 2
(Week 2)
Chapter 3
Due 9/4 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #2, Part 1
· Unit 1 Application Paper
Due 9/8 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #2, Part 2
· Chapter 3 Quiz
· Unit 1 Exam
Module 3
(Week 3)
Thinking & Intelligence
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Due 9/11 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #3, Part 1
Due 9/15 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #3, Part 2
· Chapter 6 Quiz
· Chapter 6 CT Assignment
· Chapter 7 Quiz
Module 4
(Week 4)
Chapter 8
Due 9/18 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #4, Part 1
· Unit 2 Application Paper
Due 9/22 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #4, Part 2
· Chapter 8 Quiz
· Unit 2 Exam
Module 5
(Week 5)
States of Consciousness
Chapter 4
Chapter 11
Due 9/25 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #5, Part 1
Due 9/29 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #5, Part 2
· Chapter 4 Quiz
· Chapter 11 Quiz
· Chapter 11 CT Assignment
Module 6
(Week 6)
Lifespan Development
Chapter 9
Due 10/2 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #6, Part 1
· Unit 3 Application Paper
Due 10/6 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #6, Part 2
· Chapter 9 Quiz
· Unit 3 Exam
Module 7
(Week 7)
Stress, Lifestyle, & Health
Mental Health
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Due 10/9 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #, Part 1
Due 10/13 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #7, Part 2
· Chapter 14 Quiz
· Chapter 15 Quiz
· Chapter 15 CT Assignment
Module 8
(Week 8)
Social Psychology
Chapter 12
Due 10/16 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #8, Part 1
· Unit Application Paper
Due 10/20 by 11:59 p.m. CST
· Discussion #8, Part 2
· Chapter 12 Quiz
· Unit Exam
University Policies
Incomplete Policy
No grade changes will be issued for this course except in extreme circumstances.
Academic Honesty Policy
As members of the University, students assume the responsibility to fulfill their academic commitments in a fair and honest manner. This responsibility includes avoiding such inappropriate activities as plagiarism, cheating, or collusion. Students committing these acts will face both academic and disciplinary sanctions.
All work submitted by a student must represent her/his own ideas, concepts, and current understanding. Assignments produced for this class may not use any copyrighted material without express permission of the copyright holder. Failure to comply is a violation of the honesty policy and may result in automatic failure for the course or project. Copyrighted materials MAY be used for course assignments if the sources are properly cited and acknowledged as part of the assignment.
Buena Vista University believes that personal integrity and academic honesty are fundamental to scholarship. We strive to create an environment where each person's dignity is recognized and an atmosphere of mutual trust exists between instructors and students. Accordingly, honesty in all academic matters is expected from all students. Actions contrary to academic integrity will not be tolerated. Attempting any of the following will be considered a breach of academic integrity:
- attempting to cheat
- misrepresenting someone else's work as one's own
- receiving credit for work one did not do
- obtaining an unfair advantage over other students
- and/or aiding another student to do any of the above
Students are expected to abide by the policies outlined in the BVU Academic Honesty Policy.
Diversity and Inclusion
BVU values respect and inclusiveness and aims to foster an appreciation for all persons by providing an open and inclusive environment where all are treated with respect, and all have an equal opportunity to learn. The instructor aims to teach this course in a manner that provides a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for students of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, genders, ages, faiths/religions, economic classes, and ability statuses. As such, students will be encouraged and challenged to use appropriate language, communication, and presentation strategies that demonstrate respect. When values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors vary within the learning community, students will be expected to engage in a reflective process that contributes to professional conduct.
Student Support Services
Online Technical Support
Technical or BVU-related questions, such as Canvas login issues or financial aid questions, will be logged, and you will be notified of the progress in resolving the issue via email to your BVU account. Log in to the BVU Web Help Desk using the same username and password that you do for Canvas.
Contact the 2Fix Help Desk for technical help:
Phone: 1-712-749-2FIX (2349) or 1-800-248-4462
Web Help Desk:
Technical Requirements
Read Configuration and System Requirements for more information.
Library Services
Your library provides free access to scholarly and peer-reviewed online and printed resources. Librarians are skilled at helping you critically evaluate materials, narrow the focus of your research, and find just what you need within library walls and around the world. Visit the library website for assistance with your research in this course.
Disability Student Services and Accommodations
Accommodations: Buena Vista University provides reasonable accommodations through an organized process. Students desiring accommodations must follow the University's process. Forms are available on the Disability Services webpage. You can complete the form and return it with your documentation to Donna Musel at Please contact Donna Musel, Director of the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE), if you have questions or need assistance with the process.
The CAE's contact information is Information Technology Center 103, 610 W. 4th Street, Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA 50588, 712-749-1237 or 1-800-383-2821, ext. 1237, or email
TutorMe is a tutoring service available online through Canvas. As a BVU student, you have free access to TutorMe online tutoring services and an online writing lab. You are strongly encouraged to use this service to improve your academic skills. To begin using TutorMe, simply click on the TutorMe icon in the Global Navigation Bar.
Title IX
BVU Title IX informationLinks to an external site.
Resources for reporting Sexual Misconduct
BVU Mission
We prepare students for lifelong success through transformational academic, professional, and co-curricular programs.
BVU Vision
To be a nationally recognized leader in rural higher education known for its remarkable student learning and outcomes. We will be an institutional destination–ambitious in our efforts to distinctively and boldly inspire students to serve, empower, and transform communities through Education for Service.
* The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus to ensure a positive educational experience.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |